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The Expository Teaching of the Word of God

We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and that through it, God has revealed His kind intentions toward mankind. Moreover, the Scriptures contain the power to renew the mind and transform the soul. For these reasons, we are committed to mature and equip the believer by way of anointed expository teaching of the Word of God.


A Community Centered on Communion (Koenonia)

We believe that humans were created to have a relationship with God and with others. We value the truth that we can never live out our purposes and discover our gifts and talents outside of the relational bond. For these reasons, it is our goal to encourage, build, and foment genuine and healthy relationships in our church.


Relational Evangelism

Since “God so loved the world that He gave His Son” and “it is not His will that any should perish," we value all efforts to reach the non-believer. However, because of its Biblical roots and effectiveness, we prefer and teach relational evangelism. Before we speak, we love, we demonstrate, we respect, and we build authentic relationships with the hope that others would see Jesus through the way we live our lives.



Since the Bible clearly teaches that, “God is not a respecter of persons” and that there is no difference for “those who are in Jesus,” we value the idea of ministering to people of all backgrounds; this would include different nationalities, age, gender, and social economic status. At Ecclesia we are passionate about being a reflection of the Bible’s picture of an extremely diverse heaven.



We value prayer in all of its expressions and provide opportunities to practice it. In addition, we believe it to be the medium that God has given us in order to have an intimate relationship with Him. Among the different expressions, we highly emphasize what the Bible calls: “praying without ceasing,” a continual communion with the Holy Spirit—what the ancients called “practicing His presence.”


Worship as a Lifestyle

We believe that worship is not limited to Christian music and that it does not only occur at church. For these reasons, we value and put into practice the Biblical mandate that states: “offer your bodies (the totality of our lives) as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.”



Since we have witnessed the attack and devastation of the family unit in the last seventy-five years, we are passionately determined to build a church that rests on Christ-centered functional families. For this reason, focused ministry to our marriages, our youth, and children are the intentional priority of everything we do.



We will live, teach, and emphasize the concept of excellence in our personal lives, work, and ministry. We believe that excellence honors God and that it inspires greatness. We define excellence as doing the very best with what we have. For these reasons we will be careful to offer God our finest efforts in everything we do.



We believe that God created us to serve Him through the service of others. For this reason, we are committed to developing our talents, gifts, and abilities in the service of His kingdom. We are determined to live our lives as an act of service (just as Jesus did). We passionately believe that by continually serving others, we are transformed more and more into the image of Christ.



We believe God is generous; hence, we strive to be generous as well. We are passionate about faithfully stewarding God’s resources. We believe in being faithful with our contributions of time, talent, and treasure. We trust that by doing so, we honor God and contribute in extending the Kingdom, locally and internationally. We rejoice in giving and in the knowledge that it is part of our pattern and reputation.

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